PowerSeek SQL Documentation >> 1. Installation

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1. Installation

1.1 PowerSeek SQL Installation Instructions
     1.1.1 PowerSeek SQL requirements
     1.1.2 Installation Instructions for Unix/Linux
     1.1.3 Installation Instructions for Windows
1.2 Installation Notes (Please Read)
1.3 Unix/Linux installation Trouble Shooter
1.4 Upgrade Instructions to upgrade to a newer version of PowerSeek SQL
      1.4.1 For Unix/Linux
      1.4.2 For Windows
1.5 How to Upgrade from Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL
     1.5.1 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL - Overview
     1.5.2 PowerSeek SQL Requirements
     1.5.3 Upgrade Instructions
     1.5.4 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL with extra fields/keys.
     1.5.5 Changes After You Have Upgraded To PowerSeek SQL
1.6 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL - Trouble Shooting
1.7 Moving PowerSeek SQL to another host


1.1 PowerSeek SQL Installation Instructions

The PowerSeek SQL installation should take less than 15 minutes. Follow the installation instructions below exactly. Do the steps as you read through them. The installation instructions below could have been written in a couple of sentences, but have been written to be as comprehensive as possible, so that you get it right the first time.

1.1.1 Requirements

1.1.2 Installation Instructions For Unix/Linux:

Important Note: Do not follow these instructions if you already have PowerSeek installed and want to upgrade to a newer version. Click here for upgrade instructions if you want to upgrade to a newer version of PowerSeek SQL. Only follow these instructions if you are installing PowerSeek for the first time.



Unzip the .zip archive in which PowerSeek SQL came.


When you unzipped the .zip archive of PowerSeek SQL, a 'cgi' directory should have been extracted. Transfer/Ftp all the files in the cgi directory to your cgi-bin directory on your webhost. Please note that the cgi directory that was unzipped contains a subdirectory for the 'admin' files. This directory is called 'admin'. Also create this sub directory in your cgi-bin directory and transfer the 'admin' cgi scripts to this directory.

You can also for example place the files inside your cgi-bin directory like this:

You can for example place the general program script files here:
and the admin script files here:


Watch Video on how to do step 2 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 36 seconds



Set the permissions of all the .cgi and .pm files that you transferred to your cgi-bin directory to 755 except config.cgi

How do I set/assign permissions to directories and files?


Watch Video on how to do step 3 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 31 seconds


Step 4 - ASSIGN PERMISSIONS OF 777 TO config.cgi

Assign the permission setting of 777 to config.cgi which you just copied/ftp'ed with the rest of the .cgi and .pm files.


Watch Video on how to do step 4 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 15 seconds


Create a directory called 'pseekdata' or whatever you would like to name it. Place it somewhere where the web server cannot access it's contents. Another way of saying this would be to say that you need to create a 'pseekdata' directory where it cannot be accessed from a web browser when users are browsing your web site.

Do not create this directory in your public HTML folder because it can create security risks. If you are unsure about where to place this directory, contact your host and ask them where you can place data files used by your cgi scripts so that the public (visitors to your web site) cannot view it's contents.
Fictional Examples where you can create it:

Create it in for example:
Let's say that your cgi-bin directory is situated under:  /home/yourdomain.com/cgi-bin
Let's also say your public HTML directory is situated under: /home/yourdomain.com/www

Another location where it's contents cannot be accessed can also be:
for example.


Watch Video on how to create the 'data' directory use FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 18 seconds



When you unzipped the .zip archive of PowerSeek SQL, a 'data' directory should have been extracted. Transfer it's contents to the 'pseekdata' directory you have just created.

Now, assign permissions of 777 to the 'pseekdata' directory. Also assign permissions of 777 to the files that you just transferred to the 'pseekdata' directory.

How do I set/assign permissions to directories and files?


Watch Video on how to do step 3 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 55 seconds



Create a directory called 'html' or whatever you want to call it in your public HTML document tree. Your public HTML document tree would be where you store the public HTML files of your web site. Do not create this directory under your cgi-bin directory.

Create it for example in your public HTML directory as follows:

When running setup.cgi, do not set the PowerSeek SQL 'html' directory to be your Public HTML directory. This can create potential security risks and can interfere with other files inside your public HTML directory. The PowerSeek SQL 'html' directory where generated files are to be written to must be a subdirectory inside your public 'html' directory.


Watch Video on how to do step 7 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 22 seconds



When you unzipped the zip archive in which PowerSeek SQL came, there were 3 directories. Transfer the contents of the 'html' directory and it's sub directories to the directory you have created in the above step.

Now assign the permission setting of 777 to the directory that you just created and all the files within it.

How do I set/assign permissions to directories and files?


Watch Video on how to do step 8 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 52 seconds



Run setup.cgi from your web browser. setup.cgi is located in the admin directory where you transferred the admin cgi scripts.

You should type something like the example below to execute setup.cgi in your browser:



1.1.3 Installation Instructions For Windows:

Click here for upgrade instructions if you want to upgrade to a newer version of PowerSeek SQL.



Unzip the .zip archive in which PowerSeek SQL came to your hard drive.



When you unzipped the .zip archive of PowerSeek SQL to your hard drive, a 'cgi' directory should have been extracted. Inside this directory is a file called: psconf.exe

psconf.exe is a small windows program that enables you to configure PowerSeek SQL. This program will write a configuration path to each of the PowerSeek SQL CGI script files.

Run psconfig.exe

The psconfig.exe program will ask you for a full server path to config.cgi - This path would be the full server path to config.cgi once you have copied/transferred all the .cgi and .pm files to your host or server. We will copy/transfer the .cgi and .pm files to your cgi-bin directory in a later step. For now you will just need to know where config.cgi will reside on your host or server.

Below is fictional examples of how the path could look like:

Enter the path in the psconfig.exe utility and press the 'Configure PowerSeek SQL Scripts'.

The above fictional paths will most likely not work with your host because it's fictional paths. If you don't know what the full server path to config.cgi will be, contact your host and ask them what the full server path to your home directory is. From there it should be easy to determine what the full server path to config.cgi is.



Now Copy/Transfer/Ftp all the .cgi and .pm files in the 'cgi' directory (files that was extracted from the .zip archive) to your cgi-bin directory on your host. Please note that the 'cgi' directory that was unzipped contains a subdirectory for the 'admin' files. This directory is called 'admin'. Also create this sub directory in your cgi-bin directory and copy/ftp the 'admin' cgi scripts to this directory.

Note that your cgi-bin directory will need to be set up to be able to execute Perl CGI scripts with .cgi extensions. If you are on a shared host that supports Perl CGI scripts then this will be configured already.



Create a directory called 'pseekdata' or whatever you would like to name it. Place it somewhere where the web server cannot access it's contents.

Another way of saying this would be to say that you need to create a 'pseekdata' directory where it cannot be accessed from a web browser when users are browsing your web site.

Do not create this directory in your public HTML folder because it can create security risks. Also do not create this directory in your cgi-bin directory. If you are unsure about where to place this directory, contact your host and ask them where you can place data files used by your cgi scripts so that the public cannot view it's contents.
Fictional Examples where you can create it:
Create it in for example:
Let's say that your cgi-bin directory is situated under:  c:/home/yourdomain.com/cgi-bin
Let's also say your public HTML directory is situated under: c:/home/yourdomain.com/www

Note that this directory will need read/write permissions so that scripts can write to files residing in this directory. These permissions can normally be set via a web host control panel or the web server configuration.



When you unzipped the .zip archive of PowerSeek SQL, a 'data' directory should have been extracted. Transfer it's contents to the 'pseekdata' directory you have just created in step 4.



Create a directory called 'html' or whatever you want to call it in your public HTML document tree. Your public HTML document tree would be where you store the public HTML files of your web site. Do not create this directory under your cgi-bin directory.

Create it for example in your public HTML directory as follows:

When running setup.cgi, do not set the PowerSeek SQL 'html' directory to be your Public HTML directory. This can create   potential security risks and can interfere with other files inside your public HTML directory. The PowerSeek SQL 'html' directory where generated files are to be written to must be a subdirectory inside your public 'html' directory.

Note that this directory will need read/write permissions so that scripts can write to files residing in this directory. These permissions can normally be set via a web host control panel or the web server configuration.



When you unzipped the .zip archive of PowerSeek SQL, an 'html' directory should have been extracted. Transfer it's contents to the 'html' directory you have just created in step 6.



Run setup.cgi from your web browser. setup.cgi is located in the admin directory where you copied the admin cgi scripts.

You should type something like the example below to execute setup.cgi in your browsers:

Read the Installation Notes below before you run setup.cgi


1.2 Installation Notes

The setup.cgi script will do it's best to determine the configuration paths but it may not provide the correct paths. Double check that the paths are correct where necessary.

After the installation is complete, please delete setup.cgi as leaving it on the web server/host will create a security hole where anybody can access it to gain access to the PowerSeek SQL Control Panel. The PowerSeek SQL Control Panel will always display a warning if it has not been deleted.


1.3 Unix/Linux Installation Trouble Shooter

Installation of PowerSeek SQL should be very easy if you follow the installation instructions exactly as described in the installation steps.

If you are having problems with MySQL, please see the MySQL Trouble Shooting section in the knowledge base.

Trouble shooting questions have also been answered in the Installation Trouble Shooting section of the PowerSeek SQL Knowledge Base.

In a lot of cases, simply going over the steps of the installation instructions might solve the problem.

Is the permissions of the 'data' directory 777 ?

To set the permissions of the 'data' directory, do the following:

Step 1
Ftp into your hosting account.

Step 2
Set permissions of the 'data' directory to 777

Is the permissions of the files in the 'data' directory set to 777 ?

Step 1
Ftp into your hosting account.

Step 2

Set all the files that you transferred to the 'data' directory to the permission setting of 777

Is the permissions for the 'html' directory correct?

To assign/set permissions of 777 to the 'html' directory, do the following:

Step 1
FTP into your hosting account

Step 2
Set the permissions of the 'html' directory to 777

Does all the .cgi and .pm files have the correct permissions?

Ensure that all the .cgi and .pm script files have permissions set to 755 - Also ensure that config.cgi has the permission setting of 777


1.4 Upgrade Instructions to upgrade to a newer version of PowerSeek SQL


Very Important Note: You need to download the 'PowerSeek SQL Upgrade Version' from the members/owners area and then follow the instructions below to upgrade your existing version.


1.4.1 Upgrade Instructions For Unix/Linux based hosts

Follow the instructions below if your server/webhosting is Linux based.

The upgrade should take minutes and is a very simple process.

To upgrade your existing copy of PowerSeek SQL, do the following:

Step 1:

Download the upgrade version and unzip the files that comes with the .zip archive. You can download the upgrade version by logging in here.

Step 2:

Replace all your existing PowerSeek .cgi and .pm files with the new ones that came with the .zip archive inside the 'cgi' directory.


Watch Video on how to do step 2 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 46 seconds

Step 3:

Ensure that all .cgi and .pm files you transferred has the permission setting of 755 on your host.


Watch Video on how to do step 3 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 34 seconds

Step 4:

Replace all your existing files within your installation's 'html' directory with the files in the .zip archive inside the 'html' directory. The 'html' directory of your installation is the directory where PowerSeek's image files are placed and where it places generated HTML files. You can also find out where this directory is situated on your web host by logging into the PowerSeek SQL Control Panel >> Then click on: Configuration Info >> The Image & File Generation Directory locations listed indicates the URL and server paths where PowerSeek stores it's image files and places generated HTML files.


Watch Video on how to do step 4 using FileZilla FTP client. Note that you can also use any other FTP client program.
Note that you need Adobe Flash Player to watch the videos.
Video Length: 27 seconds



1.4.2 Upgrade Instructions For Windows

Follow the instructions below if your server is Windows based.

To upgrade your existing copy of PowerSeek SQL, do the following:

1. Download the upgrade version and unzip the files that comes with the .zip archive to your hard drive.

2. After unzipping the .zip file look inside the 'cgi' directory and there will be a file called psconf.exe. Run this file and a window will appear that asks you for the full server path to config.cgi - Enter the full server path to config.cgi on your host and press the 'Configure PowerSeek SQL Scripts' button.

If you are unsure what the full server path to config.cgi is, download PowerSeek's admin.cgi file from your host/installation. Open it with a unix compatible text editor like Textpad (http://www.textpad.com) - In the first few lines of the file you will see a line reading:
$config_cgi = "c:/home/yourdomain.com/www/config.cgi";
In the example above c:/home/yourdomain.com/www/config.cgi would be the full server path. Note that the full server path in this example is fictional. It will not be the same as yours.

3. Now replace all your existing PowerSeek SQL .cgi and .pm files with the new ones that you just configured with the Windows utility.

4. Replace all your existing files within your installation's 'html' directory with the files in the .zip archive inside the 'html' directory. The 'html' directory of your installation is the directory where PowerSeek's image files are placed and where it places generated HTML files.


1.5 How to Upgrade From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL

1.5.1 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL - Overview

PowerSeek SQL is not the same product as Turbo Seek. This means that PowerSeek SQL works in the same way Turbo Seek does but it's internals are completely different. PowerSeek SQL is a complete rewrite of Turbo Seek.

The upgrade involves importing the links from Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL. This should be painless and is done via web interface.

1.5.2 PowerSeek SQL Requirements

PowerSeek SQL has the same requirements as Turbo Seek but you will also need access to a MySQL database and Perl DBI modules. If you have access to a MySQL database and are on a virtual host, it is in most cases a certainty that the DBI modules (used by PowerSeek SQL to communicate to MySQL) is installed.

Additionally you will also need the LWP::Simple Perl Module. This Perl Module is used by the crawler and link checker. This is a very popular module and chances are good that it is already installed if you're on a virtual host. Your host will in most cases also install it for you if you request them to do it.

1.5.3 Upgrade Instructions

First install PowerSeek SQL. Follow the PowerSeek SQL installation instructions as described in the PowerSeel Installation instructions above.

If you are using extra fields/keys with Turbo Seek, and would like them to be available in PowerSeek SQL then you will need to create the extra fields in PowerSeek SQL before importing links from Turbo Seek. You can find out how to do that here.

After your PowerSeek SQL installation has been completed run setup.cgi and go through all the steps until you reach a section where you can import links from Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL. Choose this option to import all links from Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL.

1.5.4 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL with extra fields/keys.

Please read the text below, carefully if you have any extra fields/keys in Turbo Seek that you would like imported into PowerSeek SQL with your links. If you don't have extra fields/keys in Turbo Seek, ignore this section.

Note that you have to add the extra fields/keys before importing any 'data' from Turbo Seek into PowerSeek SQL. You will have to create the extra/fields when logging into PowerSeek SQL. The option to add the extra fields with PowerSeek SQL is available inside the Control Panel >> Settings >> Extra Fields. You can find detailed information on adding extra fields to PowerSeek SQL here:
3.6.1 How to add an extra field

Note that when adding extra fields to PowerSeek SQL that you have to create the fields/keys in the same order as they are in Turbo Seek. In other words if you have the following extra fields/keys in Turbo Seek for example:

You will have to have 'address' as the first field, 'state' as the second and 'zip' as the third in PowerSeek SQL.

To see in what order the keys/fields are in Turbo Seek go to the Control Panel of Turbo Seek. Click on the 'Settings & Options' button. Then click on 'Define, Edit or Delete Keys/Fields'

1.5.5 Changes After You Have Upgraded To PowerSeek SQL

PowerSeek SQL is a complete rewrite of Turbo Seek and its inner workings is completely different from Turbo Seek. Where Turbo Seek stores it's links in small files, and imports it into a Search Index for searching purposes, PowerSeek SQL uses a MySQL database for everything. Everything except the templates and settings data is stored in the database. This means that all link data is stored within the MySQL database inside various tables.

After the upgrade you will have to redo your templates. The reason for this is because there are a lot of new add-on's and features to the templates. There is also many new templates that will need customization.

Add URL Forms
If you have more than 10 000 categories you will need to make use of the 'Large Search Engine Add Url Forms' intended for Large Search Engines. There are 2 different sets of Add Url Forms you may use. One set is for Medium Sized Search Engines and Directories and the other for large Search Engines and Directories. For a complete explanation of this please visit:
9.1.1 Medium-Sized and Large-Sized Search Engines Add URL Forms

Note that banners added to the banner rotator of Turbo Seek are not imported into PowerSeek SQL. You will have to re-add the banners into PowerSeek SQL.


1.6 Upgrading From Turbo Seek to PowerSeek SQL - Trouble Shooting

Please see the knowledge base for this


1.7 Moving PowerSeek SQL to another host

Step 1.  Backup your data

Go to the Control Panel > Plug-Ins > Data Backups and click the 'Backup Database' link. After clicking the 'Backup Database' link, the PowerSeek SQL backup script will back up all your database tables. All data in the database uses will be exported to your PowerSeek 'data' directory and placed inside a subdirectory called dbbackup. The 'data' directory is explained in the installation instructions of PowerSeek SQL.

Step 2.  Backup your data files

Now transfer the entire contents of the PowerSeek SQL 'data' directory to your hard drive.

Step 3.  Do clean install of PowerSeek SQL on the new host

Please refer to the installation instructions to do a clean installation.
1.1 PowerSeek SQL Installation Instructions

Step 4.  Restore your backed up files

Now transfer the contents of the 'data' directory that you backed up previously to the 'data' directory of your new PowerSeek SQL installation. Then assign the permission setting of 777 to all the files that you transferred to your 'data' directory. (Including any sub directories with their contents) You can find out how to set file permissions here.

Step 5: Restore database data

Go to the Control Panel > Plug-Ins > Data Backups
and click on the 'Restore Database Backup' link.

You should now have a perfect duplicate of what you had on the old host with all your links, settings and templates in tact.


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